wra elemental You have an unusual feeling as you cast the spell. You start chanting. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Gurb's demon feels easier to control than usual. Gurb's spider demon draws power from you. hp: 831 (827) sp: 458 (581) ep: 331 (332) Spider wrath: #### You skillfully cast the spell with haste. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 hp: 831 (827) sp: 533 (581) ep: 332 (332) Spider wrath: ## Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Gurb [party]: wrath: 2 Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Spider wrath: # Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Gurb [party]: wrath: 1 Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 The jungle shivers as if expecting something bad to happen. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 You are done with the chant. You weave the Wrath with your hands and chant 'Khizanth Arachnidus Iracundus' A wound opens on your palm and you guide the black blood at Earth elemental! A shower of black blood flies from Gurb's palm at Earth elemental! Earth elemental misses. Earth elemental misses. Earth elemental bites you. ***************************************************** You cut Earth elemental. You miss. Earth elemental is slightly hurt. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 wra You start chanting. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 hp: 770 (827) sp: 438 (581) ep: 332 (332) Spider wrath: #### #$%&&&! Earth elemental tumbles your dodge. Earth elemental sticks you. Earth elemental misses. You parry. ***************************************************** You cut Earth elemental. You score a CRITICAL hit! You sink Earth elemental. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Earth elemental is slightly hurt. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 hp: 725 (827) sp: 438 (581) ep: 332 (332) Spider wrath: ### Earth elemental pricks you. Earth elemental pricks you. #$%&&&! Earth elemental tumbles your dodge. Earth elemental tastes you. ***************************************************** You miss. You pierce Earth elemental. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Earth elemental is slightly hurt. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Earth elemental waves its index finger while uttering 'gtzt zur fehh' A magic missile hits you. hp: 593 (827) sp: 438 (581) ep: 332 (332) Earth elemental pricks you. Earth elemental pricks you. Earth elemental misses. ***************************************************** You miss. You miss. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Earth elemental is slightly hurt. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 hp: 530 (827) sp: 438 (581) ep: 332 (332) Spider wrath: # You parry. Earth elemental sticks you. Earth elemental misses. ***************************************************** You cut Earth elemental. You miss. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Gurb [party]: wrath: 1 Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Earth elemental is noticeably hurt. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Earth elemental waves its index finger while uttering 'gtzt zur fehh' A magic missile hits you. hp: 434 (827) sp: 438 (581) ep: 332 (332) You are done with the chant. You weave the Wrath with your hands and chant 'Khizanth Arachnidus Iracundus' A wound opens on your palm and you guide the black blood at Earth elemental! A shower of black blood flies from Gurb's palm at Earth elemental! Earth elemental screams in pain. Earth elemental misses. You parry. Earth elemental misses. ***************************************************** Earth elemental dodges. You pierce Earth elemental. wra Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Gurb [party]: it screams! Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Earth elemental is in bad shape. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 You start chanting. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 hp: 398 (827) sp: 320 (581) ep: 332 (332) Spider wrath: #### You dodge. Earth elemental sticks you. Earth elemental tastes you. ***************************************************** You miss. Earth elemental dodges. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Earth elemental is in bad shape. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 hp: 337 (827) sp: 320 (581) ep: 332 (332) Spider wrath: ### You skillfully cast the spell with haste. Earth elemental misses. Earth elemental misses. Earth elemental misses. ***************************************************** You score a CRITICAL hit! You incise Earth elemental. You pierce Earth elemental. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Earth elemental is in bad shape. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Earth shakes and groans! Spider wrath: # You parry. Earth elemental sticks you. You dodge. ***************************************************** You lightly cut Earth elemental. You pierce Earth elemental. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Gurb [party]: wrath: 1 Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Earth elemental is in bad shape. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:25319 Earth elemental waves its index finger while uttering 'gtzt zur fehh' Earth elemental mumbles something inconcievable. hp: 297 (827) sp: 320 (581) ep: 332 (332) You are done with the chant. You weave the Wrath with your hands and chant 'Khizanth Arachnidus Iracundus' A wound opens on your palm and you guide the brown blood at Earth elemental! A shower of brown blood flies from Gurb's palm at Earth elemental! Earth elemental manages to dodge your wrath partially! Because of the low amount of unidle players you receive some additional experience for your kill. A large cavity replaces Earth elemental's chest. Earth elemental is DEAD, R.I.P. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:58261 Gurb holds Shania over the still form of his fallen foe. You can't possibly eat more. You discard rest of the food. Money:8227+140889 13 kgs Exp:58261