yyyy|yyyy You are on a crossing of two roads. There is a cross in the middle yy?y|yyyy of the crossing. There are some trees nearby. The road looks like ----*---- it is being used a lot. A freshly painted sign points north.Above yyyy|yyyy you is a moving, lightly clouded night sky. There is a brisk wind. A yyyy|yyyy dark moon hangs in the sky. Obvious exits are: nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s and se. A small camp fire (lit) An empty alchemist's flask A cart labeled 'Roskaa ja Paskaa' A huge tree, rising high up to the skies Sammaster Mirrormane the Duck puppelipoika Thematrix Lithebringer the Troll Colonel (pantless) < . > Damogles Dawnhill the Human (completely naked) < slf - training > Rayne Gothicrose the Duck is Lady of Camelot 6695$ 18 kgs Hp:578/578 Ep:-136/318 Exp:3327 Sp:412/412 Thematrix curls into a ball. Damogles sets his tongue on fire. [...] Thematrix begins twirling her weapons around in a display of SUPREME battle prowess. Sammaster is NOT impressed. Gurb is impressed by Thematrix's display of battle prowess. Damogles is NOT impressed. Rayne is impressed by Thematrix's display of battle prowess. 6695$ 18 kgs Hp:578/578 Ep:-3/318 Exp:3327 Sp:412/412 Sammaster starts concentrating on a new spell. Thematrix curses everyone to hell. 6695$ 18 kgs Hp:578/578 Ep:-3/318 Exp:3327 Sp:412/412 Sammaster utters the magic words 'havia kauhistus pois' Thematrix disappears into thick air. Sammaster quacks 'hups.' 6695$ 18 kgs Hp:578/578 Ep:25/318 Exp:3327 Sp:412/412 [...] Sammaster starts concentrating on a new spell. 6695$ 18 kgs Hp:578/578 Ep:56/318 Exp:3327 Sp:412/412 The fire's warmth soothes you. Stylus [newbie]: easy to find out Sammaster frantically waves his hands and yells 'gwwaaajj' Thematrix snaps into existence.