Your equipment: Hand: A purple glove Hand: A purple glove Head: A shining diamond crown Amulet: Pendant of Apathy.. emitting a dead black aura Cloak: A magic cloak Torso: A blood red vest Wielded in right paw: Spider shaped sacrificial dagger Wielded in left paw: A Star Sword Finger: A bronze ring (slimy) Finger: A bronze ring (slimy) Belt: The frozen ice belt of the demon lord Both legs: Black pants with spider web ornaments Tail: The Bloody Tail Spike of the Wretched Aura: A faintly radiating image of a skeleton Worn: Robes of death and destruction You have almost non-existent protection against general damage. You have little protection against bashing. You have little protection against cutting. You have almost non-existent protection against stabbing.