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Gurb's Batmud diary

Sun July 3 2001
Level: 50 Exp: 39.0M Money: 70k
Lost one taskpoint to TP lottery (Era won), otherwise just some idle-exp. I am over 200d old now and explore count 8069/16587 (E%: 48).
Gurb Silverpaw is a level 50 mortal of the Catfolk race.
He was created Fri Feb 25 16:27:17 2000 and he is 204d, 19h, 34min and 44s old.
He has been on for 14h, 10min and 40s, not idle.
He has killed: heavily armoured warrior in white, 24525 exp
               dead priestess of Tarmalen (undead), 103008 exp (party of 2)
Web page:
>Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane

Sun July 4 2001
Level: 50 Exp: 40.0M Money: 90k
More exp, 40M totals now. Pondering should I reinc to alch or continue exp making, my catfolk monk starts to work again decently, although I am middle aged already :(.

Sun July 6 2001
Level: 50 Exp: 41.2M Money: 120k
Making still little more exp.

Sun July 7 2001
Level: 49 Exp: 40.1M Money: 20k
Reinc to alchemist.

Sun July 8 2001
Level: 49 Exp: 40.2M Money: 150k
Hmm, again there is coming more than enough money with only little work. I also was in "eq" party as alch (I was the only one who knew the location of the monster), got new party kill from that:
Gurb Silverpaw is a level 49 mortal of the Human race.
She was created Fri Feb 25 16:27:17 2000 and she is 208d, 17h, 45min and 43s old.
She has been on for 14h, 17min and 35s, not idle.
She has killed: A fish with no eyes swims quietly here, 1745 exp
                A large flaming bird, the pheonix, i.., 74141 exp (party of 6)
Web page:
>fumbling alchemist. 186 potions (no drying wind).
>patch item/dim/glow/aegis/make reagent/mix salve available.

Sun July 15 2001
Level: 49 Exp: 40.0M Money: 260k
Simple create herb casting and after doing it some time I got bored and started to finger wizards, only fingering Zin caused troubles :P (atleast I wasn't bored after it ;).

Sun July 17 2001
Level: 49 Exp: 39.0M Money: 10k
Reinc to zombie tarma :).

Sun July 18 2001
Level: 49 Exp: 39.2M Money: 15k
Exploring and killing basically all (but one monster) from Shinarae's Wildspace. Got(diced) 4 minor eqs from those for myself (totally about 20 different ones).
Gurb Silverpaw is a level 49 mortal of the Zombie race.
He was created Fri Feb 25 16:27:17 2000 and he is 211d, 19h, 52min and 30s old.
He has been on for 12h, 59min and 23s, not idle.
He has killed: Xirtonne the artificer stands ready, 179223 exp (party of 5)
Web page:
>fumbling tarmanav.
(Xirtonne was the biggest monster in Wildspace).

Sun July 19 2001
Level: 49 Exp: 39.3M Money: 150k
Shinarae, Shinarae, Shinarae, wonder if reader gets bored when I just spent my time at his areas and kill his monsters, but cannot help it, those are very cool thingies :).

Sun July 21 2001
Level: 49 Exp: 40.0M Money: 100k
Hmm, got bored to tarma and decided to reinc to catfolk spider.

Sun July 22 2001
Level: 57 Exp: 38.0M Money: 16k

Hmm, 4 free levels, guild costs were raised at some point and I didn't have enough money for all levels :)

And few (finnish) tells from Dart:
Dart tells you 'Ja pidetään ne webbisivut ajan tasalla :)'
@Dart scolds you furiously.
You tell Dart 'joo, kai se on pakko laittaa, et ole ainoa joka pyytää :)'
@Dart smiles at you.
Dart tells you 'Aamu alkaa - Userfriendly - Dilbert - Mitä gurb on tehny :)'

Sun July 23 2001
Level: 57 Exp: 38.6M Money: 10k
Free levels used, tried to do new solokill. First ~100k monster, no luck, then 80k monster, still no luck, after that ~70k monster without luck and finally decided to do some exp.

Sun July 25 2001
Level: 57 Exp: 38.9M Money: 28k
Doing some minor eqs (and I have all the chests full now :(). Also new partykill:
Gurb Silverpaw is a level 57 mortal of the Catfolk race.
He was created Fri Feb 25 16:27:17 2000 and he is 216d, 8h, 23min and 52s old.
He has been on for 19h, 42min and 20s, not idle.
He has killed: a huge anaconda snake, 28191 exp
               the king of the catfolk stands here .., 174512 exp (party of 4)
Web page:
>Quidquid id est timeo puellas et oscula dantes.

Sun July 27 2001
Level: 57 Exp: 39.6M Money: 40k
He has killed: a massive rhinoceros is peaceful but.., 89397 exp
New solokill, just too big, people (especially Orthanc) don't seem to believe that I killed rhinoceros myself :P. Maybe I next time kill Bodor...

Sun July 29 2001
Level: 57 Exp: 40.0M Money: 10k
Little exp and little more idling.

Sun July 30 2001
Level: 57 Exp: 40.4M Money: 120k
Doing some money runs so I can reinc (again) :).

Sun July 31 2001
Level: 45 Exp: 39.1M Money: 4k
Reinc to human tiger. And this reinc sucks big time, dim mak is only little better than ip/kiai-cry and tiger takes almost as much damage as spider, I should have reinced to catfolk monk after all..

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File generated: Sat Mar 15 15:16:48 EET 2003 by tkoskine