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Gurb's Batmud diary

Sun January 3 2002
Level: 54 Exp: 40.0M Money: 1k
Paid back the loan which I took to when reinced, I can concentrate to something else now :).

Sun January 4 2002
Level: 54 Exp: 40.0M Money: 1k
Our (Mudax, Dagel and me) society, saato+, has finally a channel.

Sun January 18 2002
Level: 54 Exp: 40.0M Money: 1k
Finally diary is up again, although few files are missing (I will add them later).

Sun January 20 2002
Level: 54 Exp: 40.0M Money: 1k
Some people have been asking me to put more logs available, so here some: Killing Xirtonne, Ebon Bane (first time) and Ebon Bane (second time). Logs are quite big (about 25000 lines) and over one megabyte each, so your browser might be processing them few seconds/minutes, be patient :).

Sun January 25 2002
Level: 54 Exp: 40.0M Money: 1k
Few (finnish) comments about my logs:
[22:01] <@ Dagel> hassuja nuo sinun killing monster x logit :)
[22:01] <@ Dagel> aina sama party, eri killat vain :D

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Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Tero Koskinen
File generated: Sat Mar 15 15:16:48 EET 2003 by tkoskine