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Gurb's Batmud diary

Sun December 1 2001
Level: 50 Exp: 41.8M Money: 200k
Xirtonne yet another time dead and tanked him as a monk again :). Also got(diced) my second +int kilt. Now I can lose one and still have a backup :).

Sun December 2 2001
Level: 48 Exp: 40.4M Money: 10k
Reinc to sprite channeller (reinc wave among my friends ;)

Sun December 3 2001
Level: 48 Exp: 40.5M Money: 20k
First time this year I am using somekind of useful eqset and of course game crashes :P. Luckily I got automatic crash recovery. Before crash we were doing few <60k monsters with Mudax and Dart to fill empty slots in our sets. And what eqs I am using then? Here is a list:
Your equipment:
Head: Golden helmet crown of the catfolk king (glowing) <purple glow>
Neck: Long sky-blue scarf (glowing) <blue glow>
Amulet: An ancient Dragon's amulet (glowing)
Cloak: Purple amazon cloak (glowing)
Both arms: Glass armbands (glowing) <blue glow>
Wielded in right hand: Rust Claw the holy hammer (glowing) <caustic> <orange glow>
Wielded in left hand: Rust Claw the holy hammer (glowing) <caustic> <orange glow>
Finger: Dimensional Ring of Intelligence [Made by: Era] labeled as 5int 2dimdoor (extra powerful) (glowing)
Both legs: Dark grey and white plaid kilt (glowing) <red glow>
Both feet: Strong sapphire boots (glowing) <blue glow>
Aura: A faintly radiating image of a skeleton <white glow>
Around the neck: The crystal pendant of the Navigators (glowing)
Armband: Glowing gold armband
You have almost non-existent protection against general damage.
You have almost non-existent protection against bashing.
You have almost non-existent protection against cutting.
You have almost non-existent protection against stabbing.
+21 int +8 wis +7(?) spr +4 quick chant +4 flow of magic +2 dimension door. So nothing very special, although the +flow of magic scarf is unique and I have only(not sure about this) holy hammers in the game.

Sun December 4 2001
Level: 48 Exp: 40.5M Money: 20k

Hmm, I decided to add extra diary entry and give you people some triggers which makes your daily life easier :).

None of these triggers sends data to mud unless user does something, but I have included automatic mode option there too. If you turn that on, the script might be considered ILLEGAL in your mud, so use it on your own risk and don't come to whine to me if you get removed/banned. Same copyright rules applies to these as to my other triggers.

Sewer-maze mapper started from a competition. I was talking with my friend which way would be most efficient to map and solve sewer-ring maze (can be found from bc). We both wrote our own version and here is mine. Explanation how algorithm works.. (Automatic mode bugs some. If you start getting typo messages, reload the file.)

Every tigers dream: shadow maze mapper. This is simpler version of the sewer-script. On new server you can find Shelaste in less than a minute if lucky. The script keeps track on your route, but doesn't calculate the optimal way, I have been too lazy to write that, since I have had no need for it.

And spiders have similar maze as tigers, so same algorithm works there too.

I have also made some semi-automatic runs in few areas.

Those run routes are quite useless if you don't have automatic target setting. Python script generates simple tf-script for that purpose from a datafile.

Additional note: There triggers use quite much macros from other my tinyfugue code and they might not work in your system without modifications.

Sun December 8 2001
Level: 48 Exp: 41.0M Money: 50k
Doing mostly some minor exp with Dagel, Mudax and Dart. Got the biggest party kill so far:
Gurb Silverpaw is a level 48 mortal of the Sprite race.
He was created Fri Feb 25 16:27:17 2000 and he is 284d, 16h, 53min and 22s old.
He has been on for 3h, 54min and 26s, not idle.
He has killed: village priest tending the church, 3822 exp
               Blax Maulux, the warrior guild master, 254564 exp (party of 5)
Web page:
>fumbling channeller (mana/elec/fire).

Sun December 9 2001
Level: 48 Exp: 41.5M Money: 100k
Hmm, boring Kilrathi+Xarithos+Abriel party (not because of party members, but those monsters seemed to be boring to do :P) and I even diced only Xormor.

Sun December 10 2001
Level: 48 Exp: 41.6M Money: 200k
Suicidal Ebon Bane and Axidia parties, much more fun than earlier Kilrathi :). Better luck with eqs too, got crystal pendant from Santa and +spr amulet from eq-party.

Sun December 12 2001
Level: 48 Exp: 42.0M Money: 18k
Hmm, exp coming after all, broke 42M limit now.

Sun December 13 2001
Level: 48 Exp: 42.3M Money: 355k
I guess I need a reinc:
Ewige tells Shinarae and you 'uptune gurb will ya?'
Shinarae tells Ewige and you 'no he sucks'
Ewige tells Shinarae and you 'ja.. my uh lowest stat is uh.. higher than his highst stat'

Sun December 14 2001
Level: 60 Exp: 40.6M Money: 1k
Reinc to templar(30) nun(15). Nobody was buying my eqs from Shinarae's monsters, so had to sell a chest to fund my reinc :/.

Sun December 16 2001
Level: 60 Exp: 41.2M Money: 5k
Purity 6% already! :). Took apparently too few levels, so I guess need to make exp for 1-4 more at some point.

Sun December 17 2001
Level: 60 Exp: 41.4M Money: 5k
Purite 8%, slowly rising.

Sun December 19 2001
Level: 54 Exp: 39.5M Money: 1k
Ugh, took about hour to kill one good 10k monster as this templarnun, time to reinc I suck way too much (well, 40k undead monster dies easily in hour too, but I kind of want to kill few good ones too). So catfolk monk again, 54 levels, 30 monk, 5 tarma and 4 levels from maus+ with martial arts bonuses so I can get 100% ma.

Sun December 20 2001
Level: 54 Exp: 39.7M Money: 1k
Hmm, hitting about 22%-30% stomp-kicks with 100% ma, instead of normal 12% with 86% ma. And even hitting some spin-kicks as normal hits, nice enough.

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Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Tero Koskinen
File generated: Sat Mar 15 15:16:48 EET 2003 by tkoskine